Crivăț: The Powerful and Chilling Wind of Romania’s Moldavia, Dobruja, and Bărăgan Plain

The Crivăț wind is most likely to occur during the winter season in Romania. It typically blows from the northeast, bringing icy temperatures and a biting cold. The wind intensifies in strength during the months of December to February when the weather is coldest. During this time, the Crivăț wind can persist for several days, making the winter season feel even more severe.

Causes and Characteristics:
The Crivăț wind is predominantly caused by the inflow of cold air from the Arctic or Siberian regions. As this frigid air mass moves southward, it encounters the Carpathian Mountains and flows through gaps and valleys, gaining speed and force. The wind’s northeasterly direction contributes to its chilling effect, as it brings with it the arctic air masses from the northeast.

The Crivăț wind is known for its strength and bitterly cold temperatures. It can reach speeds of 50-70 kilometers per hour (31-43 miles per hour) and sometimes even higher. The wind’s biting cold can make the air feel much colder than the actual temperature, causing a sharp drop in the perceived temperature.

Cities and Regions Affected:
The Crivăț wind primarily affects regions in Romania, including Dobruja and the Bărăgan Plain. Cities such as Iași, Galați, Constanța, and Brăila are among those that may experience the full force of this chilling wind. Due to the wind’s path and the geography of the affected areas, cities located in lower-lying regions or those in close proximity to the Carpathian Mountains may be particularly susceptible to its effects.

Residents in the affected regions take precautions to endure the Crivăț wind. They dress in warm layers, protect exposed skin, and utilize additional heating sources to combat the cold. The wind’s presence also influences local architecture, with buildings designed to provide adequate insulation and protection against the harsh winds.

The Crivăț wind is a powerful and bone-chilling phenomenon that sweeps through parts of Romania, impacting Moldavia, Dobruja, and the Bărăgan Plain. It occurs primarily during the winter season, driven by the inflow of cold air from the Arctic or Siberian regions. Cities such as Iași, Galați, Constanța, and Brăila may experience the intense cold and strong gusts associated with this wind. Understanding the seasons when it is likely to occur, the causes behind its formation, and the cities it affects helps us appreciate the unique climatic characteristics and challenges posed by the Crivăț wind in Romania.