Weather Conditions


A blizzard is winter’s grand crescendo, a fierce and relentless combination of heavy snowfall and strong winds. The world seems to vanish behind a curtain of swirling snow, with visibility […]

Regional Wind

East Asian Monsoon

East Asian Monsoon: Known in Korea as jangma (장마), and in Japan as tsuyu (梅雨) when advancing northwards in the spring and shurin (秋霖) when retreating southwards in autumn Region: […]

Science - Weather Conditions

Light Drizzle

Get ready to uncover the secrets of “light drizzle,” a fascinating weather phenomenon that’s all about gentle raindrops and misty wonders! Let’s dive into the details and discover what makes […]

Regional Wind


Pachua: Strong westerly wind on the Malabar Coast immediately before the onset of the monsoon Region: Asia, Subregion: Southern Asia